On designing a web site there are some essential things which are to be considered for creating a good design. The following steps will help you to create great impression on the web site.
1. Loading speed – The first and for most thing to do is reduce the loading speed of your page. If you have good design but what if it takes lot of time for loading. Probably only few people will have he patience to wait for it. So your site should be optimized for the web and maximum time for loading should be less than 15 second.
2. Proper Navigation -After reducing the loading speed the next important thing to do is create a proper navigation in the website. That means once a user visits your site make him go through the whole site.
Note:For proper navigation give the important link in the top right where the visitor look first ,give the important link in all the pages and also create footer for the pages
3. Resolutions problem -One of the main problem is keep your web site look same in all the screen. There are many screen sizes available. The resolution ranges from 640 x 480 to 1024 x 768 and even higher resolutions are now available. So the designer should took extra effort to make the site screen independent.
4. Compatibility – The other main thing to do is browser interdependency. There are different browsers available (IE,Mozilla,Opera,Chrome etc.), each may have different property. While designing if you doesn’t take these things into consideration your site will behave differently in different browsers.
5. Font selection – It is important to select a font that is readable and have a professional look. The font color is also important. Try to avoid the comic font it may make a feeling that the site is not a professional one. So try to use the common font like Arial and verdana.
6. Use of images – If you are creating a design with lot of images, definitely it will take more time to load. So make your website neat and simple by avoiding unnecessary images. Use appropriate eye catching icons which hold the attention of the visitors
7. Avoid the broken links – Before you upload the site make sure that your site doesn’t contain any broken links. This can be done simply by using the Dreamweaver by right clicking in the file in the ‘ Site Files ‘ window and then clicking in the “check link –>Entire links”.