Joomla is a kind of web application that makes it easy to build a website. Joomla is so easy that even an individual can handle it when creating a website.Joomla is a type of Content Management System (CMS).There are many types of CMS available today. What makes joomla stand out from the other is the easiness in the process of creating website.Using Joomla you can directly enter your site by giving the login id and password.
If you want one or more persons for the site maintenance you can give login privilege to other people and also set different permissions according to the job style. One of the main things that made joomla this much popular is the easiness of giving better look and feel. Joomla pages are designed by applying templates. Templates offer better handling and it easy to configure.
There are many more open source plugins that can be added in to the joomla website with simple options.For example newsletter, Autogenerated Sitemap, Event calender, Form builder, Rss import etc.
Why joomla?
Joomla, which is very much search engine friendly, has variety of extensions /plugins. So it can be upgraded constantly .There are both free and paid templates available which are very easy to install and use.
Here are the minimum requirements for Joomla
PHP 4.2.x
MyL 3.23.x
Apache 1.13.19
Advantages of Joomla
Free: The huge advantage of joomla is that it is open source, but its functionalities and performance makes it stand along all other existing Content management Systems.
Several extensions : For every CMS, the modules are able to boost the inherent capacity.If the number of modules are high, features and efficiency will increase. In the case of joomla there are over 2000 modules which in turn increases the options and efficiency many fold.
Maintenance: The main problem that arises in a website is its maintenance. Because if any thing goes wrong in the time of updation it affects the site ranking.Using joomla application the maintenance is made so easy that even a non technical person can maintain it without much effort.
Multi linguistic: Joomla is one of the very rare Content Management Systems that supports multi language. It allows you to choose the language that you are comfortable with.
Self updation:The last but not the least benefit of Joomla is that the owner of the site don’t need any support from any kind of company or person if he had a little knowledge in joomla. All these makes Joomla one of the best content management systems.